8. Tool parametersΒΆ

More information about the parameters of the tool can be obtained by executing findCPcli -h.

$ findCPcli [-h] [-v] [-l] -i <input file> [-o <output file>]
                 [-cp <output file>] [-swD <output file>] [-sF <output file>]
                 [-swDF <output file>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        Print feedback while running.
  -l, --license        View license info.
  -i <input file>      Input metabolic model. Allowed file formats: .xml .json
  -o <output file>     Output spreadsheet file with results. Allowed file
                       formats: .xls .xlsx .ods
  -cp <output file>    Output spreadsheet file with growth dependent
                       chokepoints. Allowed file formats: .xls .xlsx .ods
  -swD <output file>   Save output model without Dead End Metabolites. Allowed
                       file formats: .xml .json .yml
  -sF <output file>    Save output model with reactions bounds updated with
                       Flux Variability Analysis. Allowed file formats: .xml
                       .json .yml
  -swDF <output file>  Save output model with reactions bounds updated with
                       Flux Variability Analysis and without Dead End
                       Metabolites. Allowed file formats: .xml .json .yml
  -objective <reaction id>
                        Reaction id to be used as objective function with Flux
                        Balance Analysis